Parish Religious Education Program (PREP)
The Parish Religious Education Program (also known as "PREP") is a sacramental preparation program for school-age children.
Welcome to the Our Lady Queen of Apostles Parish Religious Education Program. The Parish Religious Education Program (also known as "PREP") is a sacramental preparation program for school-age children receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation, First Eucharist, and Confirmation.
Information For Parents
For Children who attend non-Catholic school
Classes are held on Saturdays of school terms from 9:30am to 10:30am. The classes are designed to provide for the religious education of children outside the Catholic school system and include the preparation of children to celebrate the Sacraments of Reconciliation in Year 3, First Eucharist in Year 4 and Confirmation in Year 6.
Preparation for Confirmation is two years Yr 5 and Yr 6. These are the minimum age requirements for each Sacrament, however older children who need to prepare are welcome to join.
We also run classes for children in Year 1 or Year 2.
Download the Information Sheet (PDF) for Parents whose children attend Non-Catholic school
For Children who attend Catholic school
Eligibility: Typical age requirements for your child are Yr. 3 for Reconciliation, Yr. 4 for First Eucharist and Yr. 6 for Confirmation.
Preparation for Confirmation is two years, Yr 5 and Yr 6.
Older children can receive Confirmation provided they are in the program for a minimum of 2 years.
Download the Information Sheet (PDF) for Parents whose children attend Catholic School

Enrolment Forms
Parents may enrol your child anytime from now until Enrolment Day on Saturday 8th February at 9.30am. Fees for this year have been set at $30 per child, and $50 for two or more children. Enrolment forms are available online or from the Parish Office.
Download Enrolment Form (PDF) for Children who attend Non-Catholic school
Download Enrolment Form (PDF) for Children who attend Catholic school
Please complete, sign and return the form, along with the child’s Baptism Certificate (if you have not already done so) to the Parish Office along with the fee.
Program Values
The content of the lessons for All Years is based on the program ‘Gathered in My Name’, which has been developed by the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth Catechist Service. Children are encouraged to attend classes regularly and stay in the program all year round. Failure to attend classes may result in your child not being able to receive their Sacrament with the current batch of students.
To run the program, we need your help and cooperation in the following ways:
Ensure that your child attends classes on time and regularly, as lessons follow on from one another. If your child cannot attend class, please contact the Coordinator (Arlene Bailey) on 0431 286 719 , or our Parish Priest (Fr Paul Manickathan) on 0408 410 029, or the Parish Office on 6188 6877.
Take an interest in what your child is doing and ensure the notes sent home are read and followed through.
Ensure your child bring a pen/pencil, coloured pencils, scissors, glue stick to class every week. Your class teacher may also have additional requirements.
Help your child to understand and participate at Sunday Mass by encouraging regular attendance. At the Saturday 6pm Mass and Sunday 9am Mass there is a special Liturgy of the Word for children in primary school, which helps them to better understand the Readings. Encourage your child to receive Reconciliation (Saturdays 4pm – 5pm).
We aim to make the classes interesting and enjoyable. The catechists are volunteers who are either teachers or who have completed the Catechist training course. They deserve respect and consideration from both you and your children.
Thank you in anticipation of your support and cooperation. The Catechist Team and our Parish Priest are looking forward to an enjoyable year ahead, as we work together for the formation of your children.